Everyone is welcome to join DSBA-USSR, you don’t necessarily have to be a TU Delft student nor TU Delft related. However, in order to join our training and use the courts in the sports center, you are required to have an X-subscription. This subscription should be valid until the end of the season (August). Everything about an X-subscription can be found here.
Due to a large interest in the club, we unfortunately cannot let everyone join the club. Therefore, we ask you to participate in a try-out. During a try-out we invite you to join a training, such that we can estimate your badminton level and see if there is an available spot in the corresponding training group. When all try-outs have taken place, we inform you whether you can become an official member or not.
The try-outs take place twice a year, in September and February. Unfortunately we cannot accept new members outside of the try-outs, but you can always contact us to be put on the waiting/interest list.

Tryouts Registration Closed
Thank you for your interest in badminton club DSBA-USSR!
Unfortunately, the registration for tryouts has now closed. We appreciate your enthusiasm and hope you will consider joining us in the future.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact: board@unitedshuttles.nl
Sign up for a try-out
Vul dit formulier in om je in te schrijven voor de try-outs die binnenkort plaatsvinden.
Sign up interest list
When you sign up for the interest list, we will let you know when it is possible to sign up for a try-out.
Sign up interest list
By filling in this form, you let us know that you are interested in becoming a member. The upcoming try-outs will take place in September. We will contact you when you can sign up for a try-out
If you want to unsubscribe from DSBA USSR you can do so by sending an email to: board@unitedshuttles.nl
You can unsubscribe every half year, before February 1st and before August 1st. If you miss this deadline, your membership will be renewed automatically for another half year. This means that you will still have to pay a half-year membership fee.